Location-aware technology is blowin’ up these days, which will inevitably lead to another wave of privacy concerns. As a user, it’s up to you to learn what messages each of them will send out to the world. Don’t be surprised when you go out for the night and your phone finds your friends before you do.
P.S. What are you doing the morning of Friday, March 30th? Join us for some bacon and coffee while we discuss our new book, Interactive Project Management at Social Media Breakfast MSP! Buy tickets here. UPDATE: The event is sold out, but you can still get on the waiting list!
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Links & Related Info
- Highlight
- Highlight app takes automatic location-based sharing to the next level
- Robert Scoble article: Have Arrington and Conway screwed up big time with their investment in Highlight
- Who the heck are these people? Highlight’s social overload
Pinterest & Legal Concerns
- GetGlue
- Meghan’s GetGlue profile: Yeah. I watch a lot of Vampire Diaries. Don’t judge.
- Path
- A few articles on the Path data breach we mentioned:
- Some thoughts from our pal, Patrick Rhone, on how he uses Path:
Foursquare and the Mystery of Meghan’s 5k Badge
- OMG, I ran a 5k!: Ms. Whitney Shaw, one of our Geek Girls Guide crew members, kicked ass at a 5k. Give her some love!
- Foursquare 5k badge: Meghan wondered about a mysterious 5k badge she earned. This article cleared up the mystery: she apparently hooked up RunKeeper with Foursquare and then forgot about it. See, kids?! You gotta keep track of what you’re sharing.
- F***edCompany: Back in the day, this site kept tabs on the dot-com bubbles as they burst.
- Kevin Rose’s Oink shuts down: We never could figure out the point of this one.
- Well, that’s that. Gowalla shuts down. It was kind of like Foursquare, and now it’s no more.
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