
Welcome Lori & Julia Show Listeners!

Hey, you found us!  Welcome to the Geek Girls Guide: a safe space for you to ask all the questions you’re afraid to ask in a crowd.  If you found us because you were listening to the Lori & Julia Show today – great! I wanted to give you an idea of some of the things we’re planning to feature on the blog in the very near future.  So stay tuned, here’s what’s coming up:

Have a geeky, or not so geeky question?  Want to suggest an issue or subject the Geek Girls should tackle on the blog?  Want to contribute a guest post?  Let us know. We’re always open to audience feedback.

Thanks for visiting the blog!  Come back soon and, in the meantime, follow us on Twitter (@nylons and @irishgirl) and join the Geek Girls on Facebook

Geek Girls on Lori & Julia Show

Hey Geeky Readers! 

We wanted to let you know that the Geek Girls, Nancy Lyons and Meghan Wilker, will be on FM 107.1’s Lori & Julia show at 3:30pm (Central) this Friday, March 27. If you’re not in Minneapolis, you can listen online at their web site (  And if you miss it at 3:30, because it’s part of the first hour of the show, it’s probably part of the “LoJ Replay” from 6pm-7pm (Central) on FM 107.1.

We have no idea what they’ll be talking about or what they want from us.  But we think Lori & Julia need a geeky resource to reach out to now and again, and that resource needs to really get their audience.  We think we’re perfect.  They have their theatre guy that they talk to regularly about local shows and events.  They have their regular fashionistas visiting the show.  They talk to beauty experts and shopping experts.  But so far, they don’t have any real geeks to talk to them about the occasional gadget or social networking question.  The audience Lori & Julia talks to every day is the audience we want to reach.  We don’t want to talk to other geeks about geekery.  Our mission is to make it accessible and appealing to those people who are a little resistant or have somehow convinced themselves that they just don’t ‘get’ it. 

So if you like us on Lori & Julia let them know.  And let us know.  If we touch on anything you want to hear more about, or you want to weigh in on, drop us a note.  Until then, see you on the radio!

Twitter for Fun and Non-Profit

Geeky reader Justine from Chicago wrote in and said, “I’m not currently a tweeter and feel I am slowly grasping it’s potential and reach, but still don’t really know how I could best utilize this interest/stream?”

She was asking about Twitter specifically in relation to monitoring discussion about the non-profit that she works for, and their different products (for lack of a better word).

My answer? Twitter, Facebook and all the other tools that people collectively refer to as “social media” essentially make public the conversations that used to happen in people’s homes and over the phone. You can now listen in on a conversation that used to take place over a backyard fence.

So, you can use it in two ways: listening and/or participating. Listening is vital — just so you know what’s being said. Participating is optional, but can be a very powerful way to connect with your existing audience and build a new audience.

How you do that is up to you: you could tweet as yourself (which I would suggest) and/or as your company (which is less personal, but could also work). The key is to provide value either way. If you have a company account, make sure to not just tweet about what you are up to, but really engage with your industry as a community. (See also: my list of Twitter complaints from a few weeks ago. Specifically – Twitter should not be a replacement for your RSS feed. Give us something other than news releases!)


A selection of ways to monitor what’s being discussed in the Twitterverse:

  • – Check the web interface anytime, or subscribe to an RSS feed of a given search. I monitor the words Geek Girls and Geek Girls Guide on Twitter via RSS, so I know almost instantly anytime someone tweets with those terms. If I choose, I can shoot those people a message saying hey, thanks how did you hear about us, etc.
  • BackTweets: Enter in a specific URL and get a list of tweets that link to it. What I love about this is that it also returns results from URL shorteners (,, etc.). Twitter search doesn’t, so using RSS from Twitter search and BackTweets I monitor just about every Geek Girls-related tweet. (Or I feel like I do!)
  • Twitt(URL)y: Kind of like Digg for tweets. (Need a Digg overview? I did one here.) Monitor popular URLs that are being tweeted. What I don’t like about this one, is that there’s not an obvious way to search for a URL. Harrumph.


Here are a few resources to help you get started with using Twitter for yourself or your company:

Podcast #2: Social Media Haters

Our second podcast (running time: 18 minutes and 7 seconds) is on Social Media Haters. Subtitled, “Maybe the Problem is You”, or “STOP HITTING YOURSELF IN THE FACE WITH A HAMMER”.

Listen Online

Click the cute little button below to stream the audio in your browser window.

Overview & Links

No time to listen? Yeah, we got a little yappy and went over 15 minutes (we’re going to keep it under 15 whenever possible). Here are the highlights:

Lately, like there’s been a whole lot of hatin’ going on with Twitter, not to mention the total pop culture explosion. Now that Ellen, Demi, Ashton and Britney are tweeters (and Jon Stewart and Barbara Walters are talking about it), it’s undergoing an interesting new level of scrutiny.

What’s interesting is that most of the haters haven’t given these tools more than a cursory glance before dismissing them. We argue that there is value beyond these negative perceptions, and that if the tools seem useless it might be that the people using them are, well…tools.

That’s not to say there aren’t some boring people on Facebook or Twitter, but there are boring people everywhere. Choose your (Facebook) friends and (Twitter) followers carefully, and perhaps you’ll find something worthwhile.

The Haters

Joe Soucheray of the St. Paul Pioneer Press says Twitter is “nothing.”

Matt Labash of The Weekly Standard says Facebook is “mind-numbingly dull.” We think the problem might be him (or his wife).

MSNBC: Twitter Nation: Nobody cares what you’re doing. NOT TRUE! My mom totally follows me on Twitter.

Gawker rounds up a bunch of sources that say we’re all a bunch of insecure narcissists. (Duh.)

The Attempting-to-Explainers

Barbara Walters (tries to) define Twitter. Favorite quote: “Why do people want to be on MyFace?” I don’t know, Barbara. Why do people want to be on your face?

Old man Stewart shakes his fist at Twitter.

The Founders

Twitter founders, Ev and Biz, on last week’s Talk of the Nation on NPR.

The Nerdy Details

Our second podcast was recorded at Clockwork World Headquarters in a carpeted room (to try to keep the echoes to a minimum). Worked pretty well, but next time we need to be closer to the Snowflake. Edited by Meghan with GarageBand with a bit of post-production help from Michael Koppelman (@lolife). Tweaked the intro a bit this time around based on feedback from the last one. Your thoughts and feedback are welcome, either in the comments below or at info [at] geekgirlsguide [dot] com. Thanks for listening!

What To Do After You Do Something Dumb

Friday the 13th seems like an appropriate day to tell my bad luck story.

On Tuesday, I got a link from my cousin on gChat. It said something like, “Check out this funny video.” I clicked it, and then – like a dumbass – I entered my password to the site. Yeah. You heard me: I entered my password to a site I didn’t trust.

Smooth move, Meghan. Smooth move.

I’d like to blame the fact that it was my first day back from a 5-day trip to Mexico with two young children. I was tired. My inbox was packed with over 500 emails and stuff was blowing up at work. I was stressed. But whatever the excuse reason, it was an incredibly stupid thing to do. I was even thinking, “This is stupid,” as I did it. BUT I STILL DID IT.

Once I entered my password, I got to a site with a video on it. A video that wasn’t even funny. To the right was a list of all my gChat contacts. There were checkboxes next to the names and a button to forward this dumb video to them. A-ha! I immediately unchecked all their names. Smart me, right?

Nope. Still dumb.

As soon as I entered my password, the site immediately sent an instant message to all my gChat contacts inviting THEM to watch this stupid video. How do I know it did this? Because I got an email from a friend that went something like this:

“I got a chat from you with a link that I followed, and it prompted me to put in my chat password to view it.  I stupidly did it, and it was a video.  Anyway, it also sent the video to other people as well – which I did not request.  Looks like we’ve been hacked, my dear.  Time for a password change, I’m guessing.

I know – I can’t believe I fell for it, too.  It’s just that you never send me chats, so I figured it MUST have been something cool.  I can’t believe I re-entered my e-mail password…DUH.

Anyway, this might be a really good question for the Geek Girls:  What do I do now?”

Yes! Let’s make lemons from lemonade. What can you learn from my insane stupidity? Here’s what my friend and I did once we realized what had happened:

  • Immediately changed our Google passwords
  • Immediately changed the passwords on any other accounts we had that were using the same password. Security experts always say to use a different password for every site, but most of us in the real world end up using some more than once. Hackers know this, so don’t use the same password everywhere or you’ll be sorry someday. I think a happy (realistic) medium is to have 3-5 passwords that you use on different sites. Try to change them every so often and make them as nonsensical as possible. They’re harder to remember at first, but after you use the same jumble of numbers and letters a few times you’ll be amazed at how well you remember them.
  • Sent a note (she emailed, I put a note in my gChat status) to our contacts letting them know not to click the link (in case they hadn’t already) and telling them we didn’t mean to send it.
  • Felt dumb. And then we moved on. Everyone does stupid stuff once in a while, so don’t beat yourself up too hard.
  • Then I found an article about the dude who did it. This guy gives anarchist transsexuals a bad name.

And that’s it. Luckily, in my case, this was a fairly low-level mistake. It wasn’t my bank account. But, it could have been. Next time, I’ll remember these important lessons:

Lesson #1: Don’t ever give your password to a site you don’t trust, and especially when you got to the site from a link. When in doubt, go to the site directly (e.g. if you receive a link to a bank site, go type in your bank URL directly, don’t follow the link).

Lesson #2: Follow Lesson #1.

Lesson #3: Take quick action to minimize damage if you are too tired or stressed to remember the first two actions.

Good luck out there.


Social Media 101 – A Beginner Bootcamp

Damn, it’s hard to keep up with this blog with (more than) full time jobs and kids! But, we are planning to record Podcast #2 tomorrow (thanks for all the great feedback) and hope to have it posted by the weekend.

Having a blog is great — we love it — but the real magic happens when we can sit down with people in person and talk about technology. We love the questions, the discussion, the sharing of knowledge.

Over the past year, we’ve spoken at several events and have gotten many requests for hands-on training, especially on all of the social media tools everyone is buzzing about (and seriously, what’s with the fad words? Four years ago all our clients wanted “viral” and now they all want something “social.” Funny thing is, it’s all the same: it’s conversation. But more about that later.).

We Geek Girls are definitely talkers, but we don’t know anything about organizing an event. And there’s nothing worse than having (or attending) a poorly organized event! So, we partnered with the smart and sassy Jennifer Kane (the mastermind behind the annual MIMA Summit) to create Social Media 101 – A Beginner Bootcamp.

In true Geek Girls spirit, this event is aimed at those who want to learn, and need some guidance. It’s a “there are no stupid questions” environment. A blend of strategy (Why would I, or my business, bother with social media?) and tactics (Um, how do I use Twitter?). You’ll learn basic social media strategies and skills that you can immediately put to work for yourself, and your business. A perfect blend of personal and professional (and remember how hard it is to keep the two separate these days, anyway?).

So, grab your laptop and meet us over at aloft Minneapolis on April 24th. UPDATE: We also added another event on May 18, too! Parking is included, so you have no excuse. That’s right. Free parking downtown. Did we mention lunch, too? True story.

We’ll start the day discussing strategy: why social media is relevant, how it works and why it works. Then we’ll spend the rest of the day exploring different social media tools (blogging, Twitter, social communities and social media on mobile devices) and discussing how to use them. We’ll even have a Social Media SWAT team to help you out if you get stuck.

You’ll leave the workshop with:
•    A better understanding of the social media landscape and how you can fit into it;
•    A basic roadmap and skill set for navigating the tools of the trade;
•    Your own burgeoning social network of like-minded professionals, and
•    A tool kit of informational resources to take back to the office.

We’ll be joined by Jennifer Kane, Jennifer Bohmbach and Lisa Foote. A bunch of seriously smart ladies ready to drop some knowledge. So, come on. Join us.

Register Now >

We hope to see you (or your favorite tech newbie) there. Tell your mom!

Podcast #1: The Dark Side of Online Reputation Management

In our first podcast (running time: 14 minutes and 44 seconds), we explore the dark side of online reputation management. Or, what to do when someone is posting mean things about you online. Think that kind of stuff only happens in high school? Think again.

Listen Online

Click the cute little button below to stream the audio in your browser window.

Overview & Links

No time to listen? Seriously? It’s less than 15 minutes! But, fine. Here are the highlights:

1. Google yourself. Make sure you know what comes up when people look you up.

2. If the results aren’t what you like, get involved in the conversation about the brand called you. Start actively posting content to drown out what you don’t like.

3. Contact the sites that contain the slanderous material to see if it can be removed. Sites are maintained by people, after all. Try getting in touch with some of them.

4. If all else fails, do your legal homework. Check out the following links about the online defamation act:

This podcast was recorded in Nancy’s kitchen using the Snowflake microphone that Meghan’s husband bought as a come-on-girls-start-recording-a-podcast-already gift. Theme music provided by our friend and colleague, the talented Michael Koppelman. Yay for the Geek Girls Men’s Auxiliary!

Living in Glass Houses: Separating the Personal and the Professional Online

Thanks to our new President, the word of the moment is “transparency.” We all love it! We all want more of it! Yay, transparency! That is, until the transparency applies to us.

The first question I get from people new to the world of social networks is, “Yeah, but how do I keep my [clients, friends, whatever] from seeing [whatever]?” The meteoric rise of Facebook and Twitter over the past year has a lot of people worrying about exactly that. In the good old days, it was easier to keep work life and home life separate (at least it looks easy on Mad Men). Now, it’s harder to keep that separation. Or, rather, it’s harder to be active in social networks and keep that separation.

Let’s assume that you do want to participate in some social network. How do you do it appropriately? I mean, if all you share is the dry, professional business side of yourself, you probably won’t get much out of the experience — nor will your friends or followers. What people truly enjoy in social networks is actually getting to know other people. I’ve never met @ms_rezai in person, but the tweet in which she shared a photo of her kid in front of a rack of knives endeared her to me forever. Only after I randomly started following her on Twitter did I find out that she works in the same industry I do. Weeks later, we bonded over the monkey cupcakes I made for my kid’s 3rd birthday. Later this week, we actually may meet in person at the local Social Media Breakfast. Professional women making a connection online by sharing a slice of their lives as moms. That’s social networking.

So, what’s a girl to do? A few ideas:

1. If you aren’t comfortable sharing your personal life online, don’t.

If you want to keep your online persona totally pro, stick to strictly business sites like LinkedIn. If you’re on Facebook, things will inevitably get personal and if you put it online, it’s forever. No matter how careful you are, at some point someone will find it if they really want to. But, to me, the key part of that setence is: if they really want to. When I think about the potentially embarrassing information that’s out there about me online, I try to remember that I’m not at all important and the likelihood that someone will search out that information is pretty slim. If anyone is so interested in me that they want to seek that stuff out, more power to them. I’ve made peace with the amount of personal information I’ve (over)shared in my life. That being said, I don’t think I can run for President.

2. Don’t say or do anything online that you wouldn’t in person.

This is a good rule that applies in many situations (think before you hit “send” on that email!), but it’s worth repeating. If you put it online, it’s forever. Even if you think you can delete it, those ones and zeroes exist somewhere. It only takes seconds to post a careless comment that you can end up regretting for a long time. The best, and probably most famous, example is Dooce. I started reading her blog right around the time she lost her job. Back then, those of us that were blogging were cocky about the fact that not many people we knew were reading them. Blogs felt anonymous. Of course, they weren’t. You can read the full story on her web site, but the short version is that she blogged about work and got fired (and spawned the verb “dooced.” As in, my boss found my blog and I got dooced). Recent history shows people still learning that lesson, like the guy from Ketchum who angered the folks at FedEx. Think before you type.

3. Choose your network(s) with care.

Almost everyone is on LinkedIn and, for professional purposes, it’s a great place to start. It used to be strictly a resume site, but in the past year they’ve added some additional social features. Create a professional profile and connect with colleagues. This is not a social network that you need to be very active in, but there are opportunites: there are discussion boards, question/answer areas, etc. Participating may drive people to your profile, so it becomes a form of online networking. Their “what are you working on?” feature is sort of a professional version of Twitter (which I’ve blogged about here, here, and here). You can also recommend people you’ve worked with, or ask them to recommend you. So, it’s a great place to dip your toes in the social networking water. It’s not too scary because it’s totally professional. Photo optional.

Almost everyone is also on Facebook, but this one is trickier. My Facebook “friends” include my boss, my mom, my junior high boyfriend, college classmates, cousins, clients and co-workers. How exactly does one manage the flow of information between a group that diverse? I thought I was going to have to type up a whole big list of instructions, but thanks to @KatieCW (who tweeted a link to this story earlier this week), I can just point you to 10 Privacy Settings Every Facebook User Should Know. This article gives great, step-by-step instructions on how to compartmentalize your Facebook friends and keep information segmented accordingly. And by that I mean making sure that your clients don’t see a photo of you drunk at your cousin’s house on New Year’s Eve.

4. Maintain and monitor your network(s).

Keep an eye on your own profile, and those of your connections. Follow the tips in the Facebook article above to ensure that you’re not sharing more than you want. If a friend posts an embarrassing photo, ask them politely if they’d mind taking it down. (I’ve actually had to do this, and the friend totally understood and complied.) If they won’t (and it’s on Facebook), you can at least un-tag yourself from the photo. And you can double-check all the privacy settings from the article above and minimize the damage.

Watch your connections and keep them updated as circumstances change. On LinkedIn, I’ve disconnected myself from people that I wasn’t comfortable being professionally connected with. I do this on the assumption that more is not better, and that people judge me based on the quality of those I’m connected with. If I wouldn’t recommend someone, I don’t connect myself to them. By the same logic, I don’t accept or request connections from people I don’t know. Because then, what’s the point?

Same deal with Facebook: only people I know and only people I like. None of this “frenemies” crap. You’re a grownup, for crying out loud! You can eat ice cream for breakfast if you want to and you can turn down Facebook requests that you don’t want to accept.

Depending on how you look at it, all of this sharing is either a good thing (transparancy!) or a bad thing (embarrassing!). I’d say there’s a little good and bad in all of it. But, whether it’s good or bad, I think that there is more understanding now. Understanding that we are all human, and we’ve all done stupid stuff. So, for the most part, a little evidence of that isn’t going to kill anyone’s career anymore. Or at least, it sure won’t in the near future. Think about it: we all live in glass houses now, and by the time the Millenials are old enough to run for President, I can’t imagine that even one of them won’t have a drunken Facebook photo in their past.

I won’t lie: it’s difficult — maybe even impossible — to keep your personal and professional lives 100% separated online. But, that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Social connections, online and in real life, can often evolve into business opportunities, and our business connections can result in rewarding social relationships.

UPDATE: A few hours after I posted this, I found the following article via @gwenbell: Help me! I’m drowning in social media! It’s another good overview of how to use social networks in ways that work for you.

UPDATE #2: There’s been quite a recent furor over Facebook and who owns what you upload there. Google “facebook tos” or check out a few of the following articles for an overview of the issues (in order of appearance):

Back That Thing On Up

This past Thursday, I gingerly celebrated what I hope is the end of weeks and weeks of laptop problems. The point of this post is so important, that I’m going to give you the punch line before I finish the setup: BACK UP YOUR DATA.

Trust me on this one. Last year, one of the smartest people I know (a developer, no less) had a computer meltdown and lost all of his cherished digital photographs. He spent hundreds of dollars on data recovery. This same person guiltily admitted to me a few weeks ago that, despite that experience, he’s still not backing up his data. Sometimes, smart people can be so dumb.

Hey, it’s a new year (I can still say that as long as it’s January, right?), and a couple of weeks ago I heard a local radio personality vow that 2009 would be the year that she became more tech-savvy. Obviously, I fully support that resolution, and learning how to back up your data is a fantastic place to begin. Because if your machine self-destructs (or is shoved into the next life by a jam-covered toddler or a cup of coffee), all the tech-savviness in the world can’t save you.

Here’s what happened to me: due to some problems with my wireless connection I had to wipe out everything on my machine and reinstall the operating system (new Geek Girls: this is known also as the OS. On my Mac, that’s OSX. If you’re on a PC it’s Windows Vista or another version of Windows. For the super geektastic it might be some version of Linux, like Ubuntu.). I actually had to erase and install the OS and restore my data three times. Four if you include Thursday, when I finally gave up, bought a new machine and transferred all my data over.

Lucky for me, I’ve been doing backups of my data almost daily since November. I have to credit Apple here for an application called Time Machine which makes it crazy easy to backup your stuff. All I had to do was buy an external hard drive (I went with a cute red Western Digital Passport), and every time I connect it to my laptop, my machine backs itself up. It alerts me if I forget to plug it in for a long period of time, warning me that “Time Machine hasn’t backed up in X days.” But, now that I’m in the habit, I plug in the external drive daily. It’s usually plugged in when I’m at home, and often at work as well (I just toss it in my laptop bag when I leave the house).

But, even if you’re not on a Mac there’s really no excuse. There are lots of online backup services out there. (Of course, you take a risk in that if the company you’re backing up with goes out of business, there goes your data. On the other hand, it sure is handy to back up your data somewhere far away so that if your house burns down your data is far away and safe. Just sign up for a well-known service and not anything named Billy Bob’s Backups or I CAN HAZ BACKUPS PLZ and you should be fine.)

The bottom line is this: think for a moment about how much you rely on your computer every day. Think about how much of your life might be on there. If your first reaction is, “Oh, I don’t have anything really important on there,” I want you to try one thing before I’ll believe you: turn off the computer right now and put it in a closet. Go for one week without using it. You can use other computers to access web sites or email, but you can’t use your main computer. After a week, tell me that you don’t have anything really important on there and I’ll believe you.

Honestly, I’ve felt completely lost without my stuff over the past few weeks. At work, I was unfocused because all my To Do lists are on my laptop. I didn’t know what personal errands I needed to run (also a list on my laptop), and don’t even get me started on all of the passwords I had to try and remember when I was on a loaner machine trying to visit all my usual online haunts.

So, if you do have anything really important on there (as most of us do), I’ll say it again: BACK UP YOUR DATA. It’s as easy as 1-2-3. Actually, wait, it’s as easy as 1-2:

1. Find a web site and  start remote backups ASAP. I’ve heard great things from many sources about Mozy. They even have a free personal account (up to 2GB). If you need more, you can get a subscription for less than $5 a month. Not bad. You can also check out this excellent PC Magazine article listing the best online backup services.

2. If using an online service makes you uneasy, start shopping for an external hard drive and back up to that drive regularly (but humor me and use an online service until you buy your drive and get everything set up).

If you’re on a Mac, the whole thing is dead simple with Time Machine and there’s no excuse for not using it. As soon as you plug the drive in, your machine will say something like, “Hey, I see you have a drive connected, can I please do some backups for you?”

If you’re on a PC, check out this excellent article from LifeHacker on how to automatically back up your junk.

Two steps. You can handle that. If you do only one geeky thing this year, do this one. You’ll thank me someday when there’s jam oozing out of your keyboard.

The Truth About Twitter

Over the past year, Twitter seems to have hit its tipping point and truly entered popular consciousness. (@idpkbrian called it when he saw a reference to Twitter in a Wal-Mart ad in a movie theatre this summer.)

Just to be contrarian, I think it’s time I shared my Twitter peeves. Let the Twitter scroogin’ begin!

Twitter != IM
If more than half your tweets start with @, you might want to consider downloading an instant messaging client. Of course, if all those @ replies are interesting to your followers, more power to you. But, more often than not, @ replies consist of stuff like, “@ so-and-so, what are you doing tonight? I’m washing my hair!”

Know what I say to that? #annoying! Pick up the phone, send an email or use instant messenger.

Watch the re-tweets, Mister.
RT, or re-tweeting, is repeating what someone else said because you thought it was funny or interesting. That’s fine, but if more than half your tweets are RTs, what the hell are you doing? Add something interesting to the conversation, or don’t talk. (This from the girl who tweets pictures of her kid. Who do I think I am?)

Twitter is also not RSS
If all that you or your company are tweeting about is your latest blog post, please stop. If we want to read your blog, we’ll subscribe to your RSS feed. (If you sprinkle your blog notices among other interesting tweets, no worries.)

On a related note, if all you’re doing is @replying to people who mention you or your competitor, please stop. You’re killing me.

Quantity vs. Quality
This goes for tweets and followers alike. If you’ve been on Twitter for six months and you have thousands of tweets, you are either:
a) incredibly interesting and knowledgable
b) self-obsessed
c) in need of an IM client (see: Twitter != IM)

The answer is most likely b or c. Sorry.

Low or No-Value Tweets
When it comes to followers, I’m glad you have X-hundred or thousand. Good for you! Seriously, good for you. But, you don’t have to tweet every time another 5 people start following you. “I have 100 followers!” “I have 110 followers!” gets old very fast. As someone who’s following you, I obviously think you have something to say. Rattling off your number of followers is not that interesting. If I want to see how many followers you have, I can look at your profile anytime I want. On a related note, it’s really not necessary to publicly thank all your followers.

I am Not a Snob.
I saw a video last month decrying Twitter “snobbery.” The basic message was that if you have a ton of followers and don’t follow all of them back, you’re not social media, you’re solo media.

Um, no. I certainly don’t expect every blog that I read to also read my blog. Similarly, I don’t expect everyone I follow on Twitter to follow me back. I’m busy, they’re busy, we’re all busy, and keeping up with 2,000 tweeters may not be high on my list, or theirs. There are certainly people with thousands of Followers and Followees, and God bless them (see: @stephenfry). But, I have a full-time job, a blog, a husband, a house and two kids. I use Twitter to follow some friends and some industry people that I think are interesting. That’s it. And it doesn’t make me a snob, it just means I’m smart enough to know my own limits.

The Elite
It bugged me when bloggers did it years ago and it bugs me now that tweeters are doing it: lists of who is “elite” based on number of followers or number of tweets or other wacky methods. What bugs me is the “I’m more popluar than you” mentality that smacks of junior high school. The beauty of where technology is right now (Web 2.0, if you will) is that we all have a voice. Not everyone can start a radio or TV station, or start printing a newspaper, but anyone can set up a Twitter account, a web site, a blog, or a Facebook page — and if they have something interesting to say, they’ll find an audience.

If anyone has this kind of right, it seems like Mr. Tweet does. He looks at it in terms of influence and relevance, which seems right on the mark. Trying to calculate who is elite based on followers or tweets just seems silly to me. I’ve seen people who have made thousands of low-value tweets. That ain’t elite. Where Mr. Tweet gets it right is in understanding that it’s in the eye of the follower: what’s relevant to me may not be relevant to someone else. This is not high school. There is no “in crowd.”

The Echo Chamber
Just like in real life, there are clusters of Twitter users. Many of us follow many of the same people. The result is that I might get the same article tweeted 5 times in 5 minutes. (related: my RT gripe). @jongordon noted a few weeks ago that it seemed like Twitter was made up of 90% PR people and “social media experts” and sometimes, it sure seems like he’s right.

Everyone was all a-buzz about the Motrin Moms a couple of months ago, but only ONE DAY after the whole thing happened there were so many tweets ABOUT it that it was impossible to find the tweets that actually WERE it. Echo….echo…echo…

I got a lot of Amens this week when I tweeted, “the more people use twitter, the more it becomes a place for ego-tripping and butt-kissing. i’m ready for that to stop now.”

Here’s what I’m talking about: the ego-tweet is the standard annoying bragadocious comment. This was brilliantly parodied by @lolife who said, “Having lunch with @god, then a meeting with @obama and then drinks with @bono before my date with @superhotchick.” Ego-tweets are all a variation on that theme. #snore

The butt-kiss tweet is usually a reaction. It goes something like this: powerful client-type person tweets about their business. The bajillion vendor-type people who follow this person go into a tweeting frenzy, each one trying to prove their smarts and derring-do. “Why yes, @powerfulclient-typeperson, we are incredibly strategic and smart!” And then we’re all subjected to the equivalent of a group capabilities presentation in 140 character bites. Which makes me, and all the kittens in the world, weep.

The Circle of Life
Don’t get me wrong, I love Twitter. It’s changed my life, cleared up my acne and I have lost 15 pounds since November. It’s just going through an interesting phase.

If you think about the arc that blogs have followed, it’s easy to draw parallels: began life as geek-only tool, gained popularity, users started defining crietria which make them “elite” to set them apart from all the newcomers, companies thought they were a golden ticket, blog ad networks developed and PR companies actively wooed bloggers, some bloggers were outed as shills and some managed to make a living at it, “real” journalists bristled but grudgingly started accepting blogs, blogs pronounced dead.

This same arc applies to Twitter. When I joined almost two years ago, there weren’t a whole lot of other people tweeting. Now that it’s hit the mass consciousness, the elite lists have started popping up, more and more companies are tweeting (and just like with blogs, a few are getting it right and the rest don’t know what to do), Twitter ad services have started popping up and will soon start to infiltrate. When I was watching CNN last month they were scrolling tweets across the bottom of the screen which means that sometime later this year, you can expect the “Twitter is Dead” headline to hit Wired.

Of course, blogs aren’t really dead — they’re just not the Next Best Thing anymore. Now, that mantle is carried by Twitter. We’ll see how long it lasts. In the meantime, happy tweeting. Follows or rotten tomatoes can be directed @irishgirl.

[cross-posted on the MIMA blog]

Note to new Geek Girls: if you need to know more about what Twitter is, you can check out my earlier post. There’s no shame in not knowing, but there’s no excuse for not learning!